Nothing Ever Begins
Nothing ever begins.
There is no first moment; no single word or place from which this or any story springs.
The threads can always be traced back to some earlier tale, and the tales that preceded that; though as the narrator’s voice recedes the connections will seem to grow more tenuous, for each age will want the tale told as if it were of its own making.
Clive Barker ~ Weaveworld
I have always loved this beginning. This embarkation. For some reason I have always remembered these words. I don’t know why I can recall this passage over so many other countless passages I have absorbed in the years since first I read Barker’s story. They have always been with me, words of fiction actualized in some small measure in the world through my own experiences. The words resonate. They have been my constant companions, silent and sleeping in the the small secret spaces of my being.
There is no beginning. No point of departure. No destination. No place at which we arrive. Life is an endless series of moments, present and immediate.
This moment for instance.